About AIMM
To be a powerful force prioritizing diverse consumers and advancing inclusive and multicultural marketing to achieve business growth and equity for all.
AIMM Pledge
We pledge to hold ourselves and the industry accountable for promises made to rid our industry of systemic racism and institutional bias
1. Increase Spend in Multicultural Marketing
We will increase our spending in multicultural marketing so that the percentage of investment is commensurate with the representation of the multicultural people we serve.
2. Achieve an Equitable Supply Chain
We will continue to work until we achieve an equitable creative supply chain through strategic investments in agencies, broadcasters, suppliers, and producers that are owned or run by Black, Brown, Hispanic, Asian, Indigenous, LGBTQ+, and People with Disabilities segments.
3. Increase Talent Representation
We will achieve representation that better reflects our country’s demographics throughout the industry: marketers, media companies, agencies, production companies, and service providers. This means equity in representation at every level, access, and voice — in other words, a seat at the table. In our yearly diversity reports to the industry, we will include clear actionable steps and guidelines for companies to achieve parity and extend that work to the balance of the industry.
4. Engagement with Diverse Communities
We will double down on cross-industry partnerships to enable a higher degree of engagement with and understanding of diverse communities. We will leverage learnings from our supplier diversity study to help companies establish increased support of diverse suppliers.
5. Data Accuracy
We will demand the accuracy of multicultural and inclusive data from measurement service providers so that marketers can connect with key diverse audiences and attribute growth to the right people and segments.
6. Eliminate Bias in Ads and Content
We will accelerate the use of AIMM’s #SeeALL campaign to eliminate bias through the accurate portrayal of race, identity, and culture in advertising and media programs. We will hold ourselves and the industry accountable by measuring ads and programming in which we invest with AIMM’s Cultural Insights Impact Measure (CIIM™).
7. Employee Resource Groups
We will conduct courageous conversations and work with our membership’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to understand the systemic inequities throughout the industry so that together we can establish programs that can fix these systems.